Our brain is one of the most important parts of our body. It controls all of our body functions like movement, thinking process, reflexes, hormones, personality, and whatnot.

However, as a student, all we do is rely on our brains to get us through the journey towards a bright future. In order for our brain to work well, it needs proper care and nourishment. So, if you are not taking care of it, it’s not going to be very useful for you when you need it the most during studying.

Even though our brain consumes glucose as a source of energy, it’s not the only thing it requires for optimal working. In addition to glucose, the brain also needs a range of essential vitamins and minerals our body can’t produce. That’s why we have put together this guide for students about the best brain vitamins for studying to keep you sharp, intelligent, and focused.


Brain vitamins for studying


Here are 9 Vitamins that you are going to need to keep your brain sharp and focused during the study.


1. Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamin, is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates into energy in the body cells, especially our brains and central nervous system (CNS). Along with that, it is also known to improve our concentration and memory.

Some of the sources we can get thiamin from are rice, legumes, nuts, potatoes, bran, poultry, beef, organ meats, and pork.


2. Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) is another essential vitamin for our brain and CNS. It’s responsible for repairing the brain cells and improving the cognitive functioning of our brains. It’s sometimes used to treat symptoms related to brain fog, depression, and schizophrenia.

You can get Niacin through a variety of sources including mushrooms, avocado, green peas, nuts, seeds, cereals, wheat, rice, poultry, and sea fishes.


3. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)

Pantothenic acid is an essential brain vitamin for studying because not only is it vital for the normal functioning of the brain but it can also help boost our memory. Vitamin B5 is also responsible for the production of neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, which is known to improve our focus and memory retention.

It’s commonly present in all plant and animal food sources but some of the great sources of this vitamin are fortified cereals, beef, organ meats, yogurt, oats, eggs, broccoli, avocado, chicken breast, potatoes, milk, nuts, and seeds.


4. Vitamin B6

Just like pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 helps in the production of neurotransmitters which act as chemical messengers for our brains. Studies have shown that deficiency of vitamin B6 is associated with irritability, decreased focus, depression, and cognitive decline. So, make sure that you are taking it in sufficient amounts to avoid the hazards it can bring to your brain health.

It’s not a very uncommon vitamin so it shouldn’t be a problem for you if your diet is healthy and balanced. However, in our student life, we tend to overlook a healthy diet and indulge ourselves in bad eating habits. So, some good sources of vitamin B6 include breakfast cereals, ground beef, salmon, turkey, spinach, waffles, rice, onion, and watermelon.


5. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Our brain is very sensitive to the delivery and metabolism of glucose in it. If there is a biotin deficiency in our body, we are depriving our brain of the nutrition that it needs to work right. It can lead to depression, hallucinations, lethargy, and seizures.

This vitamin is essential for students to keep their brain sharp but make sure to get biotin in adequate quantities even if you aren’t a student. You can get biotin from eggs, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, legumes, mushrooms, bananas, cauliflower, etc. However, modern food processing techniques can destroy biotin in the food so watch out for your processed foods intake.


6. Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

 Folic acid is a natural occurring form of vitamin B9. This vitamin performs many important functions in the human body. They help in developing the neurotransmitters, and also help with depression, mental fatigue, and irritability. Some studies have also found a link between low blood levels of folate with higher risk of dementia.

The foods which naturally contain folate are avocado, asparagus, chickpeas, eggs, citrus fruits, Broccoli, beef liver, Brussel Sprouts, Beets, and Dark Leafy Greens. Then there is folic acid which is a synthetic form of vitamin B9 which is usually added in supplements and processed foods such as flour, breakfast cereals, pasta, rice and other grain products.


7. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the cognitive functioning of the human body. According to some studies the deficiency vitamin B12 is also associated with neurocognitive disorders (memory loss or dementia). So, adding this to your diet can help you improve your memory.

Some natural sources of this vitamin are fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. You can also take vitamin B12 from fortified breakfast cereals and fortified nutritional yeasts.


8. Zinc

Zinc is responsible for assisting in the creation of over 300 enzymes in our body. According to Duke University Medical Center and Massachusetts Institute of Technology zinc is very essential in regulating communication between neurons in the hippocampus(which is responsible for learning and memory processes) which makes it a great brain vitamin for studying. 

When the communication between the neurons in the hippocampus is disrupted it can cause brain fog and epilepsy. 

Some of the natural sources of zinc are chicken, oysters, eggs, dark chocolate and some vegetables.

9. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):

Vitamin B2 is a key vitamin as it helps in the growth of cells, produce energy, and helps in the breakdown of fats in the body. Riboflavin also helps to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation of nerves, which can otherwise cause migraines. These vitamins also contribute to normal functioning of mitochondrial activities, and one of the causes of migraines is mitochondrial abnormalities.     

Some of the common sources of these vitamins are dairy milk, yogurt, Cheese, Eggs, Lean beef, pork, Organ meats (beef liver), Chicken breast, Salmon, Fortified cereal and bread.



Our body needs a healthy and complete diet to function properly but to be honest, as students we have very busy routines and it is very hard to maintain healthy eating habits. So, for students supplements can be a great option as they can get all the brain vitamins for studying which are required by their body.

There are plenty of brain supplements out there you can choose from like Neuro Plus, which can be a great option because it has all the necessary vitamins for your brain health. It can help you with Concentration, Clarity,  Boosting your memory & enhancing your mood.